We supply reinforcing mesh in a range of sizes

Goldvale Steel retains extensive stocks of reinforcement bar, mesh and accessories ready for manufacture or dispatch. We supply reinforced mesh across Hereford, Leominster and the region in all standard sizes in a variety of wire gauges in both plain and deformed wire.

Where steel reinforcement is required for structural reasons, the specification will more than likely require high-tensile steel bars as well as fabric mesh, and the design should be undertaken by a qualified engineer. Steel mesh comes in a wide array profiles with varying mesh sizes and wire sizes as indicated the mesh sizes download that we have available.

There must always be a minimum of 50mm cover over steel reinforcement, both above, below and around. The fabric is supported from beneath at regular intervals by pad stones, which are often broken pressed concrete flagstones, or “chairs”, purpose-made steel supports.

These supports are spaced roughly every 600mm or so, sufficient to carry the fabric without allowing it to sag unacceptably.

High-tensile steel bars are used in ground beams and vertical structures. Bar steel is also commonly used in garage and house slabs or rafts where the building is to be constructed from brickwork; by keeping the slab in tension, the steel helps prevent cantilevering forces of the brickwork cracking the slab.


Typically, the mesh, also known as ‘fabric’, comes in sheets measuring 4800mm × 2400mm which are cut to required size on site. Where sheets need to be overlapped, the lap should be at least 350mm and the two layers should be lashed together with tie-wire. The most commonly specified steel fabrics are A142 (6mm wires), A193 (7mm wires) ,A252 (8mm wires) and  A393 (10mm wires). A142 mesh is often used in 100mm thick light-use slabs such as paths, driveways and garage bases, while A252 and A393 are normally associated with heavier-duty 150-200mm thick slabs, with A193 used in either. In light-use applications, a single layer of fabric may be used, but in heavier jobs, two layers are used “top and bottom”.

Our Mesh Sizes


100mm x 400mm

  • C785
  • C636
  • C503
  • C385
  • C283

200mm x 200mm

  • A393
  • A252
  • A193
  • A142

100mm x 200mm

  • B1131
  • B785
  • B503
  • B385
  • B283


A rebar (short for reinforcing bar), also known as reinforcing steel or reinforcement steel, or a deformed bar, is a common steel bar. It is frequently used as a tensioning device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures holding the concrete in compression.